Sunday, September 21, 2008

Introduction to me

Hello World!

A couple little tid-bits about me would probably be appropriate, I think; as you're reading my blogs, it might help to have some kind of idea of where I'm coming from, what my background is, etc.

First things first: the title of my blog is immensely important. "Kyrie Eleison" means "Lord have mercy" in Greek. I am a devout Roman Catholic, and my faith is central to my life and my view of the world, and the title of my blog is supposed to be representative of that. 
Secondly: my username. "Gawane" is one of many, many spellings of the name of the famous Sir Gawain from Arthurian legend. He is in my opinion the perfect example of chivalric duty, the ideal of masculinity, and the essence of social justice. His shield carried the Pentagram (see profile picture) and represented with its five points five sets of five virtues. The poet and author of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" describes Gawain's pentagram:

And I intend to tell you, though I tarry thereofor,
Why the Pentangle is proper to this prince of knights.
It is a symbol which Solomon conceived once
To betoken holy truth, by its intrinsic right,
For it is a figure which has five points,
And each line overlaps and is locked with another;
And it is endless everywhere, and the English call it,
In all the land, I hear, the Endless Knot.

I'll probably be writing a lot about the great Sir Gawain later on, maybe even posting some literature about him for the curious to read.

I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir when I say this: please, please, please keep your comments respectable and appropriate. I will not tolerate unnecessary language or the disrespect of other people's feelings, opinions, and beliefs. This is a form of conversation and, hopefully, understanding. Certainly you are at complete liberty to disagree with me - and if you do I encourage you to voice your opinions by commenting or by posting a blog of your own on the subject - but please do not resort to insults or degrading comments. It is not only incredibly immature and rude, but it doesn't help us get any closer to understanding one another's perspective on the issue. In fact, it will only make me less willing to listen to you, and I'll probably just delete your response anyway. So please, whatever you say, please say it in a respectful manner. 

OK, now that THAT is out of the way, I would like to say that I'm very excited about this blog, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! I've got lots of different topics that I can't wait to talk about and I'm looking forward to hearing your responses.

Have a wonderful, and God bless you.


Lori Ann Stephens said...

Looking forward to your posts! Do you think chivalric virtue has become unfortunately passe? I'm curious about the difference between good manners and chivalry.

Gawane89 said...

I'm working on a post at the moment called "Masculinity in 21st century America" in which I'll certainly touch on the subject on chivalry. Be sure to look for it!

Ocular Eclipse said...

Chivalry, although seemingly rare these days, certainly isn't dead. No, I can't think of many examples, but I can think of at least one. The person who exemplifies such character traits has overcome the fact that others have mistakenly taken him for granted for many years. He's been stepped on, overlooked, and perhaps even ostracized. And yet, he's still one of the few people I happen to trust. He's passionate, perhaps too naive at times, but he keeps his promises. I just hope to find more of these "gems" on my life's journey.

Also, high five from a fellow Catholic. >:}