Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Connecting with our Lord.

If you are anything like me, your days are packed. Going from one class to another, to the gym, to extracurriculars, what-have-you. We are so busy, its absolutely unbelievable. So its very difficult for us to take time out of our day to connect with Jesus, because we're always in "on the move" mode. 
I think prayer before a meal is a very easy and nonobtrusive way to check in with Jesus. Before you eat, cross yourself and just think to yourself, "Lord, forgive me for not checking in sooner. You are the spirit of my life, the thing that keeps me going. I know that without you, I could not have achieved anything that I have. I trust you and love you. Be patient with me. Amen." That's all it really takes. But, if you eat at least twice a day and pray before you sleep at night, then that means you've connected with Jesus at least three times that day. Not half bad!
The ideal, of course, is to make Jesus the central focus in your life, to make him the foundation upon which we have built ourselves. Most importantly, it is crucial that we develop a personal relationship with the man who is our savior. How can He save us if we don't connect with him? How can He help us, guide us, strengthen us if we don't actively bring him into our lives. Then, not only will be have the confidence that comes from walking with the Lord, but we will also be able to give some of that magic to those around us. Jesus rubs off on people :-)

Just remember: He wants to have a relationship with you. Yes, YOU! And he's waiting for you to talk to him, and he wants you to know his story.

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